Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I really should work on catchy titles....

Best website just have to make it to the end of the post.  :)

As our recorded tv is drawing to a close and only our food shows are left.  (To clarify, when I returned from Tampa and Chase from SERE, we had 4.5 pages of recorded tv)  After season after season of Food Network Star, Hell's Kitchen and Masterchef; Chase and I feel that we have come to the conclusion that we are qualified food critics. 

We can tell you how to cook a scallop a scallop should look when cooked right, what a risotto is supposed to look like, a proper pinkness on a beef wellington (which I'm dying to try), how to perfect a layer cake, a poached egg and a hollandaise sauce.  The list goes on and on.  You name it, we can tell you how to cook it it's supposed to look.

Not gonna lie though, i really do know how to make a hollandaise, haven't done it in about 4 years, but the last one I made was rockin!

While on the food rant....I discovered the other day that I have a problem....I follow 21 blogs.....13 are food blogs.  I've become obsessed!  The newest one I Chase found (yes, my husband discovered this site...not me)....more of a website than a blog is
They can make something like refried beans look absolutely divine.  The way the website works is you create an account (totally free!), then you start saving recipes to you favorites.  You can tell them what ingredients you have in your pantry or what you'd like to cook with and they will scout recipes for you.  The best part!  There's a box that says "I crave" and you can type an ingredient.  Craving satisfied!  I have been wanting a website like this for years and thanks to Chase's tech-y twitter following; thank you Lifehacker, this site was discovered!  Hope you can peruse and find this site as exciting as I have.

Many more blog posts to come!  My next priority (2 weeks late) is my tribute to Jaylynn's 1st birthday week!  It'll be up in less than 24 hours....promise!

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