Tuesday, October 4, 2011

October...the month of traveling

So, wow, it's October already...could someone tell Mother Nature that it's October and that's supposed to mean 70 degree highs, cool crisp breezes and maybe a couple of cloudy days.  No more 90's please......please?  There is one thing we have dove into head first starting this month.  PUMPKIN!!!!!!  It's like my body is on a clock, the last week in September/early October I start my intense cravings of all things pumpkin, cinnamon, and apples.  Luckily for me (not for my waistline), fall desserts are probably the easiest recipes to find.  Brenna has made sure to keep our taste buds alive (and gym hours frequent) with her Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes and at our community dinner her AMAZING Pumpkin Trifle.
As you can see, I enjoyed it. My spoon just wasn't getting it to my mouth fast enough.

This reminds me of another picture....I might have a problem.. :)
Sooooo, yea...I love food.  It's a good thing I've been going to the gym everyday....the only problem is...I haven't lost ONE SINGLE POUND in almost 4 weeks.  I guess it's good that I'm not gaining...but come on now body....give me a break.

Ok, so the main reason for this blog.  I realized last weekend (after the blown tire mishap....longest. morning. ever)  that there is not one weekend that I will actually be in Altus for the month of October.  It kinda makes me tired to think about but also very excited. 

Weekend 1:  Last minute trip to Dallas to watch the Hogs beat A&M (and yell so much that I may have over exerted myself and given myself a cold)
Weekend 2:  Fayetteville trip to watch the Hogs take on Auburn. 
Weekends 3 & 4:  FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Soooooooo excited about this week!  Celebrating Alex's 1st birthday and spend a week of lounging, cooking, tv watching girl time with Kelsey!
Weekend 5:  OKC with some Altus friends for some Halloween festivities in Bricktown! I'm actually pretty excited about this weekend too.  I honestly can't remember the last time I dressed up for Halloween.

Then, after all those fun filled weekends it's only one month until Chase hits the flight line!!!!  Then....only one more month of Altus!!!  Once you add in a few more Fayetteville games, Thanksgiving and Christmas break, phew, we have a very busy fall coming up! 

Now I'm going to continue my reading.  I think I've read 4 books while here already and plan on having another one read by the end of the week.  OH!  And guess who is #1 in line to read Explosive Eighteen when it comes out???  This girl!!!  I'm so excited!  (only another month and a half until it comes out.) 

(and I'm making myself upload pictures (finally).....only 4 months behind.  Oops.

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