Monday, September 12, 2011

Pray for rain

Pray for rain has been the constant theme since I've arrived in Altus.  Numerous signs around town say Pray for Rain and every Sunday in church whoever leads the prayer sends up a lengthy prayer for rain.  One thing that slightly humored me, but also reminded me how bad things have been here....this Sunday there was a prayer of thanks sent up for cooler temperatures.  The temperature here has not dropped below the 90's and today and tomorrow it's back in the 100's.  Not normally my idea of cooler temps.  I don't want to jink it and I still think it's some type of misprint, but the HIGH in Altus for Thursday is supposed to be 72!  If this does indeed happen, you better believe I will spend every waking moment of the day outside!

Anywho, back to needing rain.  We venture out to Quartz mountain with the Hendricker's this weekend.  It was nice.  Lots of trails, some mountains hills you can climb and a lake.  People were out on jet ski's and in boats.  I don't really understand how they were able to motor around without scrapping the bottom of the lake.  This was our view when we first arrived.
Looks nice enough.  Then we turned around and saw this....

The water level is EXTREMELY low.  The line along the rocks is where the water should be.  Right now Lake Altus is 27.35 feet BELOW normal.  It hasn't been even close to normal stage in over a year.  Despite being in awe of how much they needed water, we had fun.  I definitely plan on going back seeing what else it has to offer and hopefully finding a mountain hill to climb. 

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