Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I got nothing..

I've been informed that all I talk about these days is Smackers.  Smackers is consuming my life!  I don't think it's a bad thing though.  I love that place!  Unfortunately I don't have much else going on in my life these days.  We'll see what tune I'm singing a month from now, but even with all the chaos and glitches and mass of people, it's been fun!  Not gonna lie though, I am looking forward to having 3 days off in a row this Sun/Mon/Tues.

Today was a normal day.  Went in at noon since I worked so late last night.  Amanda came to visit me around 1.  I think she was the first person we had buy coffee.  I was kind of excited to show her how the machine worked.  Then I got to show her all the yogurts, force her to eat samples, then help assemble her creation.  Kelsey and Sara came today also!  Not gonna lie, I got so excited when I saw Kelsey pull up in the parking lot!  I purposely went and stood at the door so I'd be the first to greet them!  I made Kelsey eat more samples, Sara had her mind made up.  Haha.  Luckily they got there about 30 minutes before I got and it was such a beautiful day outside, I convinced them to hang around so I could get some yogurt and eat with them.  It got crazy as usual around 3:00 when all the school kids came.  I was finally able to leave and I got to be a customer for the FIRST time!!!!!!!!!  I was slightly overwhelmed.  I see people getting yogurt all day, but when it comes to making your's just too much!  I was very happy with my choice though.  I didn't realize quite how much I got until I got to the register.  Luckily employees get 50% off.  I went outside with the girls and proceeded to inhale my yogurt.  Oops.  It was so tasty though!  We talked for about an hour and a half; planning birthdays, planning where we needed to eat next, which turned into planning dinner.  My boss even walked outside at one point and asked me why I was still there.  Haha.

We decided we wanted a burger for dinner and the boys wouldn't be finished until late, so it was girls night.  Very tasty burger too!  Very big!  Lots of good conversation, lots of laughs (as always).  Love those girls!!!  Then it was time to head home.  Brought Chase some food and watched the rest of American Idol.  Now he's studying away.  He has his pre-check tomorrow with the flight commander in preparation for his checkride on Friday.  He's been studying so much this week and after flying the past 3 weekends, I know he's getting so burnt out.  I can't begin to describe how proud of him I am and just how in awe I am of all he does.  I could NEVER learn the amount of material he has had to, then be tested over and over on it.  Luckily we have a 3 day weekend this weekend so he'll get to relax some.  And the weather is still supposed to be gorgeous!!!  I plan on spending as much of it outside as I possibly can (after I get off work Saturday night).  Say a prayer for Chase that he'll be confident in his flying these next two days and be able to pull out the info that he needs to when asked.  I have full confidence that he'll do perfectly fine.  Then I'm making him come to Smackers Friday night so he finally see what I do!!!

Speaking of Spring weather....this is what I would absolutely love to spend my entire day doing, preferably in the same field with the bright, sun-shiny daffodils 

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