Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Smackers Day 2...Cleaning Day

First can I start by saying that I officially have Spring Fever!!!!!!  The weather here is absolutely AMAZING!  As I sit here typing at 9:07 am, we have our patio door open (as we have every morning since Sunday) and Charlie is soaking up some sun and stalking all the birds down below getting that early worm.  We've had the doors open everyday at Smackers letting the breeze come in and with the warmth that the sun gives....ah...perfect!

Ok, on to the important stuff.  Smackers has already become the teen hang-out.  I arrived at work yesterday around 3:30 and all the high school guys were sitting on their tail-gates in the parking lot with all the girls standing around talking to them.  They continuously come in and out of Smackers from around 3-5...then off they go to various practices and sporting events.  Not gonna lie, it took me back to my high school days.  We didn't have a designated place like Smackers, but the group I hung out with always hung around in the parking lot talking after school for an hour or so.  We had some down time last night which was very nice.  I got to know the employees I was working with better (I was the only person not in high school working last night), we got to clean some and refill ingredients.  It just gave us a chance to catch up before another rush came in.  Can I just say again that i LOVE my coworkers!  Everyone is so easy to work with and we mesh well on getting things done and they all rotate positions very well to keep one person from being stuck giving samples or working the cash register all night.

Then it was closing time.  They haven't really enforced an exact closing time.  Last night I don't think the doors were locked until around 8:30.  Which is fine, but little did I realize what was coming next.  Last night we cleaning 3 of the 5 machines.  The other 2 get cleaned tonight.  The cleaning process is quite a lengthy one (as to why I didn't leave until 10 last night).  We have to get as much yogurt out of the machines as possible, by the way, we have quart containers of yogurt for sale for $9.99 now!  Once that i finished we open the top and take the plugs out so water can get down into the machine.  10 gallon buckets are then filled with warm water and poured into the machine.  Once the water is poured, said bucket is taken around to the front of the machine and the water is drained out.  This process is repeated (about 7 or so times) until the water runs clear out of the machine.  (Have I mentioned that my arms are a little sore?)  After the pump is cleaned, the mixers have to be taken out and individually cleaned.  This involves a lot of little, extremely expensive parts.  This part is not our job....yet.  The parts are all cleaned, oiled and placed back in the machine, then a sanitizer is run through the machine.  After this process is complete it's finally time to put the yogurt back in.  The yogurt is put in thawed then it takes about an hour for it to freeze again.  And's ready once again for Smackaholics to indulge in our amazing yogurt!

Today I work a different shift.  They are trying s transition shift now so that it's not complete chaos at 3:30 when everyone is trying to clock in and clock out at the same time.  I'll be working from 12 to around 5ish.  I'll let ya know how that goes tomorrow.  That's all I have for now.  Thanks for reading my journey through the Smackers industry.  Chase is still working hard and studying every second of the day for his checkride.  His flight had some hiccups yesterday; sitting in the plane for about 2 hours before taking off due to malfunction and something about a gauge going haywire once in the air, so he didn't get to fly yesterday, pushing his checkride back to Friday now.  We're hoping this works in their favor since it will be the Friday before a 3 day weekend.  Everyone should be in a good mood right?  Right?

Time to go get my Smack on!  :)

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