Monday, June 27, 2011

A Day in the Life

Here's what my day looked like in pictures.  Apparently I had some energy today. (Warning:  Crappy phone pictures ahead!)
Did some laundry.  It stayed in this pile for awhile...unfortunately most of them are wrinkly now.  Oops.  Then it was time to rid my sink of the mass of dishes.  I hate...let me reiterate...I hate dishes in the sink.  The fact that these dishes had been for over a day was really getting to me.

Now they are neatly tucked away in the dishwasher.  Then it was time to take care of the king.  He appreciated it.....I think.

Can I just say that this is my LEAST favorite chore to do.  I am so grateful that Chase always does it.  Then off to bring home the bacon.
Work wasn't bad today...kinda slow but went by surprisingly fast.  Because I did so well today, I felt I deserved a treat.  :)
Crab cake salad from Harvey's is probably my favorite meal in all of Columbus.  Because I felt the need to treat myself, I'm making myself do one more chore.  Charlie's least favorite.  Hehe

Then, since I'm trying to be good and since I'm on a streak now....I'll end the night with this.

Then do it all over again tomorrow.  (Except the chores and treating myself part)


Kalyn Cavalier said...

Ohhh those crab cakes look delicious!!!

I can't WAIT to get back into jogging! I seriously miss it! I even have a cool jogging stroller to take Connor along with me!

Miss you and love you!

Persevere said...

Miss you terribly!