Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Julia Child wanna-be

I'll start with my picture for the day.  Yes, it's behind the glass.  Yes, you can see the reflection inside.  No, I wasn't going to actually stand outside and take the picture.  What you can't tell though is that it really was raining much harder and the wind was at least 30 mph.  Perfect weather day if you ask me.  :)

I have always made it known that I would absolutely die to be as good as Julia Child in the kitchen.  I'm hoping that once we get to Wichita that my adventurous nature for cooking will pick back up again.  I have extreme aspirations, but the past few months I just haven't cooked near what I used to.  It makes me sad.  I miss being in the kitchen.  I look up tons and tons of recipes.  I know what I want to make....time just passes and it gets to late and I get lazy or we don't have the right ingredients....I find excuses and it doesn't get made.  Every time I go home or to Tampa I get extremely adventurous in the kitchen.  It seems to happen everywhere but my own kitchen.  Don't get me wrong, I do cook for Chase and most of the time I'd like to think he'd say I'm a very good cook.  9 times out of 10 if he doesn't like a meal, I've already decided I don't like it and am embarrassed for serving it to him.  (I just don't understand why he can't grow to love my black bean quesadilla's)  :)

My thoughts here lately, however, have been focused on what kind of cake I am going to make for my sweet niece Jaylynn's 1st birthday cake!  I have the great privilege of making her cake and I want it to be perfect, just like her!  She is the princess, so I've been leaning towards a princess cake.  But really, what does that entail?  A crown, a doll, a scepter, or just lots of pink?  I can definitely say that there will most definitely be pink in there (and most likely purple too).  But do you make this:

Or go completely all out with this!
Her expression says it all.  She clearly appreciates all the hard work put into this cake.
It will most likely be simple, but make a statement, just like Jaylynn.  Until Sunday, I'll just keep dreaming my fondant, pastry chef dreams and pretend like I can actually make something similar to the 1st or 2nd cake.  :)  Then there's the smash cake......hmmm.

Just kidding....it's gonna be smashed, I won't go overboard with that one.  Oh and tonight I made my entree for my guest blog post in the coveted Kelsey Cooker!  Stay tuned for that post.

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