Wednesday, June 29, 2011

This will never happen again

Three posts in one day....I swear...this will never happen again!  I was quite content with my 2 posts tonight and was ready to sign off when, as I was getting ready to treat myself to some Smackers Watermelon Sorbet, it happened....

I have a few pet peeves, some more extreme than others.  One of my biggest ones though if when people, without handicapped licenses, that show no sign of being handicapped, can't find a parking spot within 20 feet of the entrance so they whip into the only available spot in front of the building and pull out their rear view mirror tag.  I cannot for the life of me figure out why someone would feel the need to use this when there is a parking spot not even 5 spaces away.  Taylor had one of these for her knee.  When she was on crutches or in a brace....she used it.  When she used it after said reasons had passed, she knows very well how mad I was at her for it.  Just because you're late to class or you're in a hurry or you don't want to park far away from the building, it doesn't give you the right to take that spot from someone who actually needs it.

There....done with my rant.  Don't do it people!  It won't kill you to walk a few extra steps!

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