Friday, July 1, 2011

Best Breakfast Date Ever!

So I apologize for missing my post yesterday.  I think 3 the day before made up for it.  The ever so famous Alex is here helping me write this post.  He's supposed to be sleeping, but how in the world can you sleep when awesome Aunt Mindy is around.  :) 
Best Breakfast date ever!

Yesterday was spent relaxing and recuperating from my extra crispiness.  I had dinner with the Proti, Sara, Vince, Evelyn and Jennifer.  It was a lot of fun and there was tons of food, as usual.  Then before we had all realized it, the girls had been outside talking until midnight!  Once we all realized how late it was it was time to head on home.  I finally got to talk to Chase yesterday too!!!  It seemed like he would never get back from the field.  I stayed up until 2 am talking to him, it was worth it though. 

Today will be filled with helping Vince and Sara pack up, consuming all the leftovers from last night and closing the night out with 6 hours of work.  We'll just ignore the fact that It's the last time I'll see Vince and Sara for awhile.  :(  At least until October...right Sara???  ;)  I love these two (and Murphy).  I'm so glad we've all become such good friends!  More on that later.

Now it's time to be a responsible babysitter.  Happy Friday everyone!!!

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